You Could Make ₦30K or ₦300K. Your Choice! (Article 2)

 User Roles On Camie Drop💧

Hey there, how's it going. There is one very important decision you need to make when you decide to join Camie Drop, and that is choosing your "User Role". What you pick determines whether you'll earn ₦30K/month or ₦3M/month on the Camie Drop Platform. 

As a Camie Drop user, there are two possible roles you can take. You could be an 'Appointment Setter', or a 'Sales Specialist'. The role you pick determines the tasks you do to make money.  But before we discuss each role in detail, there is a concept you need to understand. This concept is called 'The Marketing Funnel'

The Marketing Funnel:

If you've ever tried to sell anything online, and people just did not buy from you, one of the reasons might be because you did not use a marketing funnel. You see, before people buy anything online, they must trust the person or company they are buying from. The marketing funnel is the system we use to build up that trust step by step, till they become a paying customer.

What does this have to do with Camie Drop? Well, the offers we have on our platform are online services, so if anyone is going to buy them, we have to use a funnel. It is called a 'funnel', because you can use the shape of a funnel to illustrate how the customer gains trust and progresses toward purchase. Here's a sample
You might have guessed that we created user roles in Camie Drop to handle specific parts of the funnel, and you'd be right. We created the two user types to handle very specific parts of the marketing process. This lets us assign specific tasks to each user type. Now, let us examine each user type!

The Appointment Setter: 

This role is an easy role that anyone can do, but it is also a very important and crucial role. If you're just getting started with Camie Drop💧, I recommend you choose this role, because your tasks are really simple and straightforward.  
Take a look at the first 2 stages funnel,  the 'awareness' and 'consideration' stages. Those are the stages this role handles. So how do you perform those tasks? We discussed "The 4 tasks of an Appointment Setter" in great detail here, click me to read more on that.
In this article, I'll simply mention them, the 4 tasks are:
  1. Getting Leads
  2. Managing Leads
  3. Send The Lead Magnet
  4. Book The Appointment.

The Sales Specialist:

This role is a little more complex, it focuses on the 'conversion' part of the funnel. This role is also far more lucrative than the appointment setter role, but you must be a master of sales. Sales involves convincing a prospect that a certain product/service is perfect for them. 

I should mention that as at the time of writing this, this role is not yet available to all users on Camie Drop. The team is still working on some features, but we will discuss everything you need to know about this role in a later article.  


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